AVKO's Research Director Don McCabe taught high school and junior high for nearly 20 years before founding AVKO in 1974; he has written more than 20 books and articles about teaching reading and spelling.
A basic membership costs $25 per year and includes:
* Discounts on AVKO printed materials
* Hundreds of dollars worth of FREE e-books (PDF)
* The Patterns of English Spelling (All 10 Volumes) with Word Families in Sentence Context
* To Teach a Dyslexic
* Starting at Square One
* The Teaching of Reading & Spelling: a Continuum from Kindergarten through College.
* The Reading Teacher's List of Over 5,500 Basic Spelling Words
* Access to the Member Only section
* AVKO Newsletter with freebies, discounts, resources, and promotions
*Access to Don McCabe's most popular workshop recordings in MP3 format.
* Supplemental Curriculum Materials including word games, worksheets, activities, and more! * Access to Pretests and Placement Tests
* Access to the Answer Keys for the Unscramblers and Family Reunion exercises of the Engaging Language Kits
Or you can purchase a Deluxe membership for $100 per year.
Institutional Membership is open to individuals as well as tutoring centers, schools, learning centers, homeschool resource centers, etc. and includes
* Access to all of the benefits of AVKO's Basic Membership (see below)
* 25% discount off all materials ordered
* Read-only access to ALL AVKO curriculum materials (except for Sequential Spelling and Engaging Language Kits)
*Access to AVKO's newest e-books:
* Word Family Supplements 1-7 for Sequential Spelling
* Spelling Remediation Test Kit
If you have a dsylexic child or a child who is a struggling reader or speller, the cost of membership is well worth its value in the free materials you will be able to access.
You can purchase your membership by clicking here.
Read more reviews by TOS Crew members here.
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