You must do the things you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

North Face ECS Kids Run Funny

So my kids have done their share of kids runs and they have a lot of fun with it.  Sunday, they got to run with Dean Karnazes.

He has really nice legs.

Afterwards Shane wanted to know why Dr Mark was at the race. He thought Dean was Mark Cucuzzella; how many kids confuse one ultra runner for another.

Ella didn't want to run preferring to look adorable instead

The boys ran and had a great time.

Shane played in the hose when we got home and looked a little smurfy. The blue eyeliner is finally beginning to fade.

I'll post my race report once the photos are up


misszippy said...

Mark/Dean--what's the difference? ; )

It's great you get them out there all the time like this. You're setting them up for a lifetime of running enjoyment!

Unknown said...

looks like a great day! Would've loved to be that close to Dean K!


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