You must do the things you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rocking my socks for 12 miles

My schedule has been beyond insane lately so I wasn't sure I'd be able to participate in the virtual Rock Your Socks 10k or Half sponsored by TMB at Racing with Babes.  I also only had 12 miles on the schedule for today but TMB said that was ok. I realized if I got up at dawn I could squeeze in a long run before Bill had to go to work and we had to leave for the kids' track meet.

My first half marathon isn't until June 13th which is 3 weeks away, and I completed Hal Higdon's Novice Half Marathon training about 3 weeks ago so I've been improvising and adding miles each week that I can.  But my longest run has only been 10 miles and I've felt like I was stuck there.

Today's run was about showing myself that I could run more than 10 miles, that I could show up for my Half knowing that I could do it.  It was also very cool to think back to this time last year when I could barely run a mile and a 5K seemed like a far off goal.  Today's run was a big deal to me.

 Here we are on the way to the tow path, and I didn't back into Bill's car this time.

In the parking lot before heading off to run. It was still a little dark and the humidty was high so the picture is a little foggy

 I am the queen of blisters so I haven't really experimented with lots of different socks. I've found some that work pretty well and have stuck with them so I'm rocking boring white Adidas no-shows.

I look so cheerful at 4 miles.

Instead of running just 6 miles out and back - which is also boring, I decided to run 3 out and back one direction and then 3 out and back the other direction. I'm glad I did this because after 6 miles I was tired and my legs were were sore. I was tempted to head to the car and call it a day. But I knew I'd regret it if I did so I forced myself to keep going. And I'm so happy I did!

This is near the finish line

12 miles! I did it!!!

2:09:56 or a 10:49 pace. Not fast. Not pretty. But I DID IT!

Thank you TMB for inspiring me to Rock My Socks for 12 miles today!

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