You must do the things you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Rose Hill Manor field trip and a little catch up, ketchup or is it catsup?

I figured I'd use the kids' lunchtime to catch up a little. We've been crazy busy with no end in sight. Ella and Jake have thankfully been healthy. Shane - other than getting over his ear/sinus/rattling cough thing - is humming along.

Hank, otoh, is my current mess. Took him to the ped yesterday and we think he had an allergic reaction to his antibiotic last week. He spent the week breaking out in hives off and on for no apparent reason.

My brain is wired for food allergies and the occasional stinging insect allergy not medicine allergies. Oh well...he's on something new with no hives which is great. He has chronic sinusitis alternating with sinus infections, which affect his ears, which affects his get the idea. We're already scheduled to see a new ENT next week. The ped wants us to also see an allergist to figure out what could be causing the sinus issues.

My fingers are crossed that Hank is mysteriously only allergic to black and white coonhound-mix dogs...though with my luck, it's probably house dust and I'll have to break down and dust more often than twice a year (unless company is coming and then it's only the rooms I think they'll be in!).

On to the fun
On Good Friday our co-op took a field trip to Rose Hill Manor in Frederick. I didn't even know this place was really a miniature Williamsburg. The kids really had a great time. Our interpreter/guide seemed to be either new or more comfortable with older kids so I'm not sure how much they actually learned, but they did have a lot of fun.

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