You must do the things you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, April 11, 2011

Our little track team

This spring marks our second season of running track. Last year we knew only one family and had just met the coaches. After track season ended we were able to go on some group fun runs with the coaches and a few of the families. But we really began to gel with the group during cross country season, and me and the kids formed some great friendships.

Yesterday was our first meet of the season which our team hosted. This meant all the parents had to work and didn't necessarily get to see their kids compete. Bill had to work so I had all 4 and crossed my fingers that Jake would be able to get the littles to their events. (I highlighted their events on the schedule for him).

I asked to be assigned to the shot put since it tends to move a little faster and have fewer kids. That way I could deal with Shane if I needed to. Sadly I missed each of Ella's events- long jump and 100m. But she said she a good time even though she didn't get a ribbon..

Pre-race cuteness

I saw just part of Hank's first event, the 1500. My boy is very out of shape, but he hung in there and didn't give up. Several of the local clubs continue practicing year round so a lot of these kids were very speedy.
Shane's age group can do just two events, the 55m and the long jump. The line for the long jump was huge so he didn't want to do it. He did want to run though. Here he is in the bull pen with one of his buddies.
Game faces

This isn't a very good picture, but it's the best one that shows Hank pacing Shane. My little Napoleon came in last or next to last but he didn't care. He had the biggest smile and was looking around at everyone while he ran. Hank was yelling at him to hurry up. It was really cute. All the U6 runners get a ribbon and that's all Shane cared about. He was so proud that he 'ran a race' and got his own ribbon.

After I finished at the shot put, I was asked to help at the finish line which is fun and very exciting.

This time I got see Hank run his 800m.  My poor little monkey really struggled. He's been having some acid reflux problems lately and it seems to be worse when he runs. He told me after his race that his chest hurt so he couldn't go any faster. We're going to experiment with Tums before he runs (by his Dr's recommendation), and see if they help him.

Track season makes for long, hot days for the parents, but the kids really enjoy it so we'll keep at it.
 Meet #1 of 7 is on the books!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I just found your blog and it looks like we have quite a bit in common other than you homeschool and I'm too big of a chicken to do that! I'm seriously impressed with anyone who does that. We have chickens too and love it.
I love how your son was being paced. That's great! And I hope your IT band gets to feeling better. I've been there before too!


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