You must do the things you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Community Easter Egg Hunt

We finished up with our assignment for The Big Sweep and then headed home with a couple of hours to kill before our next adventure, the Easter egg hunt at the Methodist church. I worked with Sandy, their outreach coordinator/food bank administrator, to organize our participation in the Sweep so she invited our Cub Scout Pack to their annual Easter egg hunt and luncheon.

Hanging out before the fun begins

This picture is so "Shane" I can't wait until he's older and interested in girls. Man, do I have some blackmail material! We're still sticking with the plan to have his future wife sign a waiver. Bill and I can not be held responsible for any offspring this wild caveman produces!

Ella pretty as a picture as always. One of Hank's Cub Scout buddies was there so they were both too cool for the Easter Bunny. So cute!

The egg hunts were according to age group. I asked Jake to stay with Ella and Hank so I could make sure Shane didn't start a fire do anything crazy.

We walked into the sanctuary and there were eggs *everywhere* The kids could have used a shovel to pick them all up. It was crazy!

Sugar coma while listening to a brief Easter message

We had a really fun time and enjoyed getting to know more people in the community. Hopefully we can do it again next year.

Since I have NO willpower, I told the kids to each choose 15 pieces to keep(compromise from my suggestion of 10 and theirs of 20). The rest goes to work with daddy!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter!!

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