Formal Bible study is something I always intend to do with the kids, but we get busy and it quickly peters out. We still read the Bible, sing hymns and memorize scripture verses, but we’ve never made it through an actual Bible study. Grapevine Studies will change all that, and I am very excited about it!
From their website…Through the use of Bible timelines and chronological, easy-to-follow lessons, Grapevine Studies will give your student a panoramic view of the Bible. Our bible curriculum can be used with any version of the Bible to successfully teach all ages.
They offer a wide selection of studies for ages K through adult such as Old and New Testament Overviews, Biblical Feasts, the book of Esther and the birth of Jesus. I’ve heard they have a number of new studies in the pipeline so be sure to check their website for updates!
What I really love about this curriculum is that they incorporate illustrations into the lessons so your student is reading the information, answering questions about it and then illustrating the lesson. You or your kids aren’t artists? No worries there. The Grapevine studies are created to be illustrated using Stick Figures! Can you feel the buzz?! I am seriously art challenged but even I can draw stick figures!
Jake selected the New Testament Overview e-book to review. The Level 3-4 Teacher e-Book is available for $24.95, and the hardcopy is $48.95. You should note that this is for both levels 3 and 4 so if you have children at different levels, this is a good deal. The Level 4 Student e-Book and hardcopy book are the same price, $28.95, and they are both 50 lessons.
Armed with a Bible Concordance, Topical Bible, and Bible Dictionary, your students will build on their knowledge of the New Testament timeline by learning where the books of the Bible fit in chronologically. They will learn about the Nativity, the ministry of Jesus, the early Church, and much more.
Because of Jake’s busy summer schedule, he’s done most of this on his own. As a mom with a houseful of darlings, I love when they can work independently. He started out by drawing the timeline of the New Testament, and then began the actual New Testament study with the birth of John. I was impressed by how many different ways you can draw a stick figure, and I’ve enjoyed seeing what he comes up with each time.
Jake said he has really enjoyed this curriculum. “It’s straight forward and easy to understand. I like how the timeline helps me see how the stories relate to each other.” My younger kids are already signed up to do an Old Testament Bible class in our co-op, but Jake will definitely continue to use Grapevine this year.
I’m very pleased with it and glad we were able to review it. I hope you check it out; I’m confident you’ll be glad you did! Other members of the TOS Crew reviewed different studies so be sure to take a look at their reviews here.
The very kind folks at Grapevine are offering a special for my readers...you will receive a 30% discount on all their books until August 30th. Just use the coupon code acrew when you check out.
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