Those of you who know Ella know that she is a girlie girl through and through. Princesses, purses, shoes and baby dolls dance like ballerinas around our house amid piles of trucks, trains and super heroes.
Shane has outgrown his baby carseat so we did the carseat shuffle. Shane moved into Ella's seat, and we bought Ella a big girl seat.
I was shopping on-line and had narrowed my choices to some seats that were on sale. I brought Ella over so she could make the final selection. Now the screen was filled with carseats - both regular and sale priced. As I scrolled from one on-sale seat to the next, she spotted a bright pink car seat.
"Mine! That one mine!" as she frantically tapped the computer screen. She's not one to waffle in decision making. Thankfully the UPS man seemed to know how desperately we needed this seat because it arrived in just a few days.
So now she sits in her princess seat with her purse and her baby doll while Hank and his trusty sword protect her from dragons and bad guys.
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