It all started innocently enough. I saw an email on one my homeschool message boards about a rec soccer league. It looked like a great opportunity for Jake to get some exercise and meet other HS kids.
Then the catch...it's a co-op and each family must contribute. No worries there; we have a big SUV so I can haul goals and be done. Nope, they need a coach for the 3-4 year old team.
I've never played soccer, but I can read and watch coaching dvds, right? How hard can it be to teach kids to chase a ball and kick it? (stop laughing!)
So I agree to do it.
Turns out that it's the same night/time as Jake's Boy Scout meetings so he made it to only 2 soccer games.
Turns out my little team is very little - 4 kids.
Turns out herding cats is a heck of a lot easier than keeping four preschoolers interested in soccer for 2 hours.
After all was said and done, we really did have a good time. Ella and Hank now run around the house in their shin guards "playing soccer," and I got to meet some really nice parents. Shane was, as always, perched on my back in the backpack taking it all in.
We're already looking forward to spring when we get to do it again. :)
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