You must do the things you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wee Warrior Dash

Mark Cucuzzella and company hosted a Wee Warrior Dash today in nearby Shepherdstown. Originally, all 3 littles were going to run, but Shane backed out just before we left so I had just Ella and Hank.

Hank thought it was cool that they had a poster for his shoes at the registration table

They danced at the start line to warm up

And they're off!

They had all sorts of fun obstacles for the kids to go over, under, through, or around if they wanted

It was a 1 mile, low key/untimed fun run with a half mile option for younger peeps
That's my squirrel hopping over the side of the hay bale below. So silly

Yep, that's Dr Mark with Pink Hair cheering on kids at the finish
And Ella Bella climbing the obstacle

They scored some sweet medals (left over from Freedom's Run so they were 'real race medals')

They asked everyone to take home a pumpkin (or 2 or 3) so they wouldn't have to tote them home themselves

Then I walked back through the course with them so I could take pictures of them going through the obstacles

Ella found that being short and quick was quite helpful for some of them.

A very fun way to spend a completely gorgeous, crisp fall morning. Many thanks to Dr Mark and the race committee for putting this together. The kids had a super time!

Edited to add the video linked on RunShepherd (you can see Ella go under the net obstacle around 1:20 and then through the tubes around 2:20. She's in a pink sweater with black pants)


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