So here go our updates
1. Bill and the little boys scored free Nats tickets for Saturday night where the boys got free baseballs and then Ian Desmond's autograph, and some nasty stomach virus which they shared with Ella. Thankfully they got the mild version. Bill and I however were lucky enough to get the please-let-me-die-quietly-while-I-puke-my-guts-out version. My stomach is still sideways and my head still hurts. It didn't kill us so we must be stronger and just don't realize it yet.
2. I found out today that another friend of mine will be participating in a duathlon that I really, really hope to be able to do. It's a low key, community race. If my memory serves me correctly, it's a 200 m pool swim and a 1 or 2 mile run on a cross country course. No pounding the pavement, which makes me hopeful to be able to do it. I see the dr 2 days before the race (I'm coming back from the beach early to see him) so I won't know until the last minute. My goals will be to have fun and complete it w/o dropping dead or injuring myself
3. And last but not least....Today is
Bill's Birthday!
Happy Birthday to the man who puts up with way more than any guy should have to. But we're so grateful that you do!
Today is also Bastille Day so we like to tease him that we'll manage to squeeze in a celebration of his bday as we celebrate Bastille day; like anyone really celebrates Bastille Day??? ...I told you, he puts up with a lot.
Happy Birthday Bill!
Happy Bastille Day--I always forget about that one--we do have a bastille 5k around here I never do.
Aw, happy birthday, Bill!
Happy Birthday Bill and happy Bastille Day.
I vote two good reasons to celebrate!
I hope you had a great day,
Happy Birthday Bill!!!
Stay healthy! No injuries!! :) Have fun!
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