You must do the things you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Florida in Fotos

You may recall from my skeery snake post last week (week before??) that I mentioned I was going to sunny Florida for a long weekend, sans kids! I actually told my kids that children are not allowed in the state of Florida and that they have a waiting room at the border for kids to hang out in while their parents are visiting. Is that wrong?? I suspect they know the truth and humor me, but if they bring it up when we're on the Jerry Springer show, I'll know it was a bad move. hahaha!

 We arrived mid day Thursday and the hotel messed up our room, and then were rude about it, so we scored gift cards to the cafe and the bar courtesy of the owner. Unfortunately that sort of set the tone for a couple of people much of the weekend. But I wasn't going to let it bother me; I was someplace sunny and warm and didn't have to help anyone in the bathroom!

Friday I ran 2 to the turnaround and stopped to do some one legged squats and warrior and dancer pose and then run back. Bill and the kids called me when I was about 1/2 a mile from the hotel so they could sing happy birthday to me. So sweet!

The hotel had a fitness room so I rode 5 miles on the stationary bike and did a circuit of upper body light weights. I knew my eating would be off the charts for junk food so I wanted to stay ahead of the game if possible!

Bill's mom and sisters took me to Cha Cha Coconuts (which we picked based on its name!) for dinner and everyone sang to me. Embarassing but fun! We also walked by the swim start for the St Anthony's Tri. I tried to convince Bill's sisters to do the Meek and the Mighty as a relay, but they thought I was crazy...which is probably at least half true.
Saturday I rode 5 miles on the bike, did a circuit of upper and lower body light weights and then hopped on the eliptical. I'm *not* coordinated and I think I burned more calories than the average person just from concentrating so hard! I was on that crazy contraption for 20 minutes and forgot to see how far I went when I got off.

We spent the day on the beach and I sloppily applied sunscreen and ended burned (like bacon) in some areas and Casper white in others. So typical of me!

Sunday was shopping and just walking around different areas during the day. That evening we cashed in our bar gift card on frozen drinks - which I never drink so I was worried I may end up fast asleep on the beach.

After watching a gorgeous sunset, we headed out to play miniature golf. I used to play putt putt all the time growing up and I love it. It's just silly and fun. If I remember correctly my uncle and my mom almost always won.

So when I won this year, I was a little excited!

I got up Monday and ran 2.44 miles and did 3 on the bike, another circuit of weights and some yoga. I decided to do some laps in the pool even though there were a lot of people there. I figured it didn't matter that I'm an awful swimmer since I'll likely never see any of them again. I ended up doing 20 laps, breast stroke, in sets of 4 and 6 laps. 

My hard work paid off; I was only +1 one for a weekend of really bad eating. I didn't eat to the point of gluttony or discomfort, but I definitely ate more grains, dairy and general junk in 4 days than I typically do in 14 days!

I almost forgot... we all got fun little tattoos. They're jagua which is sort of like henna? We had never heard of it, but supposedly they last longer and don't cause skin irritation like henna can.

We had nice weather for the flight home so I actually slept quite a bit. I got home after midnight Monday night exhausted but I missed my munchkins - and Bill, of course-  so I was glad to be back.


misszippy said...

Sounds like a great time! Glad you had a chance to get away sans kiddos...we all need that now and again.

The Green Girl said...

Aw, I'm glad you had such a good time, girl. Love that you won the game - and love those guns! ::whistles::


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