This time we started near Sharpsburg/Shepherdstown around mile 72ish on the tow path and headed north.
We didn't have any set mileage in mind; we just wanted enjoy a nice ride since we haven't done any real riding in a while...we need to our butt callouses toughened up again.
We let Shane out of his cage trailer to run a bit and he splatted and cut his hand again. Thankfully Bill, who is much more patient than I, was with us to contend with our little Napoleon.
We rode a smidge over 7 miles up to Lock 40 and turned around.
The kids did a really great job with no whining or complaining so we stopped at Nutter's Ice Cream in Sharpsburg for a treat. We got them the 'small' cone figuring it was a normal portion. They were HUGE so we'll definitely go with the 'kiddie' portion the next time we stop in.
Looks like the ice cream was a hit! So cute. What a great way to spend some family time.
BTW--I volunteered out our local weekly race on Sunday and guess who won it? Karsten Brown..apparently he did two races this weekend. I want his energy (not to mention speed!)
Wow! He not only ran two races this weekend but WON them both. That's amazing and incredible!
Yes, I'd love to have his energy and speed. It sounds like he has enough to share! :D
yum, Ice Cream! Can't wait for it to stop snowing so I can take the kids! : )
Great photos, I am jealous you can see so much earth right now. My world is still white.
Hey there! You won the Barkwheats contest on my blog. Well, your dog did! :) email me the 2 flavors you want sent to you along with your address.
My email manfarr1974(at)yahoo(dot)com
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